Creating Goals, Their Purpose & My Monthly Plan

I have officially decided to start a new monthly posting session that will involve goals I have specifically created for myself. The routine of my posting will waver some until I get everything all situated, but the idea is simple; I’ll start the month off by explaining everything I want to accomplish and hopefully by the end of the month I will have exceeded my expectations. At the end of the month, I’ll share what I successfully completed, what I failed on and any other input I may have.

The purpose of this monthly update is to inspire you and to keep myself in check. It sounds silly but reading or listening to other people’s goals and the stories they share about what they have accomplished creates this want need for me to also be proud of myself. Maybe I won’t be able to complete everything on my list or perhaps I will surprise myself. Either way, I hope what I share will provoke you to also create goals for yourself.

My previous post: “I Can’t Always Be Superwoman” brought on depressing thoughts. It dawned on me that perhaps I’m not trying hard enough. Maybe I needed to set some goals for myself and see if I could achieve it. I’m still not sure if I’m being lazy or if I really am too tired at the end of the day to whip up a small feast and write a blog post or two when I get home. I figure the only way for me to decipher this problem is to set up some goals for myself.

August 2016 Goals

  • Back in January, when I was a full-time housewife, it was nothing for me to cook 21 meals a weekNow that I’m working, I’m ashamed to admit that I have been cooking dinner only 2-4 times a week, I sometimes pack lunches, and most of our breakfast’s contain coffee and coffee alone. This month I am going to enforce a rule on myself that I need to pack four lunch’s a week  and cook dinner at least four times a week as well. We’re starting to spend too much money on eating out again and I’m desperate to get back into our normal routine of only eating out once or perhaps twice a week. Hopefully if I get back into my cooking routine I’ll be able to work my way up to planning 21 meals a week again! Fingers crossed! 
  • My working out plan has not been anywhere near consistent like it was a few months ago. It’s driving me insane. I always promised myself that I would be in tip-top shape after I graduated college. While I worked hard at achieving that goal, life unfortunately happened and finding time to get to a gym or put my running shoes on became a relentless, tiring chore. I hate when exercise becomes a chore as I thoroughly love to run and I love to see results; but when you’re exhausted and life is bogging you down, it gets difficult. To help alleviate this problem I am going to make myself practice yoga at least three times a week and run twice a week. I know it’s not a lot of exercising but hey, I’m trying to ease myself back into a jam-packed routine again.   
  • Because I haven’t been cooking as much, creating new dishes for us to try have been few and far between. I’m going to let you in on a secret, but keep it on the down low okay? 😉 I’m going to be starting an on going series involving Pinterest DIY’s! Yep, I’m going to find interesting recipes and let you know how delectable they are and if I can redesign the recipe to make it allergen free! I’ll involve some unique housing ideas (for when we move) so you can see firsthand and decide whether you think it’s a Pinterest fail or not. Also, I’ll be taking some crafting ideas from Pinterest and creating them into my own. I want to create, bake, or make three Pinterest DIY’s each month!

So there you have it! Do you have any goals you’ve always wanted to accomplish but never had the time or never thought it would be possible? Try setting short term goals or just give yourself one goal for the month to try it out. You might just surprise yourself. 🙂

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